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Improve your Warehouse Productivity through Product Slotting

The warehouse can become a hard-to-maintain mess to manage instantly if proper measures are not put in place. It is a gigantic library of products which are always moving. Since there is so much activity in a warehouse, it is important to optimize all organizational practices to make the processes efficient. This efficiency saves money, time, and effort in the longer run. One method of doing this is slotting.

The process of slotting is defined as analyzing data to categorize and organize inventory at a warehouse or distribution centre. This is an important thing to do for any warehouse manager that wants to get the most out of their space. The process of slotting results in maximizing space utilization and reducing inventory handling. A company that focuses on slotting its warehouse well will enjoy more productivity and strategic workflow. Here are more reasons warehouse managers should focus on slotting the warehouse inventory.

  • Slotting helps you in making the most of the space available to you. Making most of the space literally translates into more money.

  • Establishing proper storage techniques will help in having more clarity in terms of assigning techniques based on SKU velocity.

  • Minimizing the handling of parts and items is another advantage of proper slotting.

  • By minimizing searching and travelling time, you can increase productivity heavily.

  • It balances workflow and makes it easier to follow agendas.

  • It enhances workers’ ergonomics and makes their job easier.

The most important thing you’ll need to start slotting your warehouse is data, lots of data. All the data related to your inventory, including full year’s worth, changes according to seasons, projected growths etc. Using a WMS (Warehouse Management System) is the best way to go ahead with organizing your warehouse. Some of the key data that you pick up need to encompass…

  • Number of pallets and cartons of each SKU

  • Number of times an SKU is picked

  • Quantities of SKUs picked

  • SKUs are frequently picked together

  • Sizes and weights of the SKUs

  • Picking methodology

  • Numbers and descriptions of SKUs

Most companies, however, are not equipped to install and put in place such software Warehouse Management Software, which is where professional help can be useful.

We at ARK India bring years of experience in warehouse management and transportation to give you the opportunity to bring efficiency into your business and make more profits. We are experts in WMS which enables warehousing, integration of store systems with warehouse systems, and many other services that will help you run a tight ship. With our help, your warehouse can run smoothly, resulting in more productivity and profits.

Here are two of the best slotting practices to put in place.

Slotting Inventory by SKU Velocity

SKU Velocity is the metric that defines how frequently and quickly an SKU is picked in a period of time. It is important to slot your SKUs according to their frequency of sales. This means that the more frequently selling items should be kept in more accessible places. Slow-moving SKUs should be kept in farther off, less accessible places so that those spaces are made full use of simultaneously.

Slotting Inventory by Technology and Zone

This slotting strategy requires the placement of SKUs according to the equipment best suited for its warehousing application. Many constraints can come in between of arranging this. This is where the data about size and weight will come in really handy. If there are SKUs that are impossible to store or carry in certain equipment and need a different machine, this strategy will help you slot them accordingly and make the process all the more efficient.